Thursday, January 20, 2011

Question N

I believe an activist as any person who fights for a cause that they strongly believe in, in a peaceful yet powerfully passionate way. They stand up for a cause that they believe down to their very core will better themselves, as well as their society and all of humanity. I believe a strong character point about being an activist is someone who rallies their cause without violence. That is why Martin Luther King Jr. is so beloved because no matter what, violence was never apart of his curriculum in his protest for civil rights. In the video The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism a major quality they promoted was compassion and I agree completely. Their first core step was all action must be based on compassion. "Spiritual activism is action for the benefit of something, not against something". There's a difference from fighting against something, such as hatred towards gays and lesbians, than standing up and fighting for something, such as equal rights and benefits for gays and lesbians. An activist that I really admire was former President Lyndon B. Johnson. It was John F. Kennedy who in the early 60's was extremely influential with civil rights in America for all people. However, when he was assassinated in 1963 many of his movements that he was fighting for, like African-American civil rights with MLK, were carried on and finalized by his vice president Lyndon Johnson. He used his power and influence in Congress to bring about much of Kennedy's legislative agenda, and it was Johnson who continued to work with MLK and got the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed and signed.


  1. I really like how you stated that all action must be based on compassion. I think that this is one core part of being a good activist as well. I feel like the action taken must have a good root.

  2. I really like that you said that a strong activist also works to the core of their beliefs and it betters themselves. I also think they are very compassionate, and also influential.

  3. I like thinking about everyday activists, who work outside the systems to fight for change. Like the political organizers, protesters, women's groups and all those that volunteer to help and better the lives of so many women and children. These are the activists who aren't heard of and sometimes looked at in negative ways but I always like to think of the 'street fighters' who want more than a reform.
