Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Question H

The documentary Divided We Fall: America in the Aftermath portrays life in America after 9/11.  In true documentary form it show the treatment of people from India in America in reaction to the 9/11 attacks. The wearing of turbans is a religious symbol, but now “turban equals terrorist”. Many Americans feel they need to change others to fit their belief of what is the correct religion. Since most are ignorant to unknown religions, they feel it is wrong or dangerous.
            The Sikhs have many traditions that are strange to Americans. Valarie Kaur’s search for understanding examines the hidden world of hate brought upon by misunderstandings.
            The traditional view of America the Free, tolerant, and full of constitutional rights was no longer visible after 9/11.  The New Hampshire view I was raised on “Live Free or Die”, was erased. People were no longer ignoring or accepting religious differences they were becoming blind to what is real and what is perceived as a threat. Tolerance became a thing of the past.  It was disturbing to watch the interviews of the treatment to anyone wearing a turban. Young or old, no one was spared. Where was the land of the free? The home of the brave?  If you resembled the terrorist in anyway, you were targeted. Hate crimes were reported daily. How sad it must have been to be afraid to leave your house for fear of retaliation by ignorant people.
            What was most amazing was listening to the victims of these hate crimes. Most were still peaceful and understanding, allowing Americans time to heal and not pressing charges.
Since I was only 13 at the time, I wonder would I have felt the same if I came upon a person wearing a turban? Would my beliefs of treating others fairly have changed?


  1. You make a great point how after 9/11, many Americans began labeling those with turbans as terrorists. It's unfortunate that lack of knowledge regarding different cultures and religions within our society led to such awful hate crimes against innocent people who were targeted based on their appearance.

  2. Hahahahaha, I would say that more people than the Sikhs have many traditions that are strange to Americans....there are so many cultures/people in the world and each of them have their own ideas/traditions that I'm sure we are bound to fine a couple the most ;)

    I agree with you and with Courtney.....also, many Muslims/Arabs were labeled as terrorists. Believe it or not, but there are actually Christian Egyptians (Copts), and I think they would be labeled as terrorists as well -- just for the fact that they are Egyptian and Egypt has a tie to the Middle East.
